Kelowna Yoga House

Serving the Kelowna Yoga Community since 2001

Saturdays Nov 4 - Nov 26 | 09:30am -10:30am (4 classes)
In Studio

Have you been to a rope yoga class yet? Performing the asanas with the help of the ropes enables one to attain accuracy, agility and balance. And it’s fun! Rope yoga is called Yoga Kurunta in Sanskrit and means yoga puppetry. The ropes are another prop used mostly in Iyengar yoga. Using the ropes and gravity as resistance allows the body to open further, go deeper in the poses, release tension in the joints and build energy. All category of poses can be done with the ropes including inversions, back bends, forward extensions, twists and standing poses. As you stay in the pose with the support of the rope, you can observe your breath and body in the practice. The ropes are good for stiff people and provide a new way to create space, stretch in various areas and develop strength. 


$48.00 + tax for the 4 classes series

$15.00 + tax for a single class

You receive a 20% discount when you purchase the entire series.

Series pricing is non-refundable and non-transferable

Queries? Melissa Perehudoff: